Book presentation congress centre Mennorode, Saturday May 25, 2019
Walk-in: 13.00 p.m.
Start: 13.45 p.m.
End: 16.30 p.m.
There is a limited number of places available. It is common at an official Book Presentation to ask a modest contribution towards the expenses (for the drinks) of €12.00 per person. I kindly ask you to order the invitation cards as soon as possible, so that we have an accurate overview and can organize everything accordingly.
It is possible to combine the book launch with an overnight stay and/or just a dinner afterwards. Please book your reservations with us as soon as possible as there is an option regarding provisional reservations.
For the purchase of the book during the presentation you will need to bring € 20 cash; there is no possibility of a payment with PIN.
We would like to like to have all the reservations received on Friday 10 may 2019, so that we can distribute the cards as quickly as possible.
I am looking forward to seeing you at this special event, and I hope that it will be an inspiring and unforgettable event for each one of you.
Warm regards and I hope to see you soon!
Johanna Kraus

Sign up for the book presentation via email address:
The contribution of €12 has to be transferred to:
IBAN: NL 07 TRIO 0198 0064 97
Name: Stichting Caelum in Terra, Schalkwijk
Please indicate clearly with how many people you are coming, and if you would like to use the opportunity to stay overnight, or have dinner after the presentation.
Address Congress Centre Mennorode:
Apeldoornseweg 185
8075 RJ Elspeet
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31(0)577 – 498 111
There is a possibility to use a shuttle bus between NS Station Nunspeet and Mennorode, starting from 12.30 p.m.
For further information:
Mennorode: +31(0)577-498 111
Public transport: For up-to-date travel information please call +31(0)900 9292 (€ 0.90 p.m.) or check: https://9292.nl/en
Taxi from railway station Nunspeet:
For further information you can call Mennorode: 0031 (0)577 498 111.
Bus from railway station Nunspeet: Line 112 to Elspeet. Get off at bus stop ‘Kleine Kolonieweg’ on the Uddelerweg.
Bus from railway station Nunspeet: Line 112 to Elspeet. Get off at bus stop ‘Kleine Kolonieweg’ on the Uddelerweg.
Bus from railway station Harderwijk: Line 104 to Apeldoorn. Get off at bus stop ‘Kleine Kolonieweg’ on the Uddelerweg.